Thursday, May 28, 2020

Throwback Thursday- So Very Thankful

Hello!  Today is another project in the effort to use up my older materials and I've successfully made two pages to share with you!  

The papers for the second page appeared as I was rearranging and reorganizing my crafty space.  I found a  12x12 pocket filled with Christmas papers... Just when I thought I was going to be finished with old Christmas stuff by next year...

Both pages are pretty simple which allows us to focus on the photos and the pretty paper at the same time!  Maybe next month I'll try being a bit 'fancier' with my pages!  Could be a new challenge for the month!

Thank you so much for stopping by!  Have a wonderful day!

Page 1 Recipe:  SU Orchard Harvest DSP, very vanilla, old sticker for title

Page 2 Recipe: pattern papers unknown from stash, whisper white, Accessories-Colorbok Alpha Stax Holiday letters

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Scrapbook Saturday-One is so fun!

Hello!  Popping in quickly with a new scrapbook page and this one is nice and bright!! Perfect for this cutie's 1st birthday!

I could actually have used this as a throwback since everything but the photos are pretty old!

Nothing too fancy on this page.  The super cute cupcakes have been in my stash for a very long time and this seemed like the perfect page for them!

Thanks so much for visiting and I hope you have a fabulous day!

Page Recipe: K & Co 'Super Bright' paper pack, whisper white (letters), Accessories-cupcakes from stash, cricut for alphas

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Throwback Thursday-Fall Formal

It's Thursday and that means another Throwback day using my older stash.  And today is truly a throwback because everything on these pages are old! Well, not the adhesive or photos... but everything else practically had to have the dust blown off!

I pulled out Autumn Traditions, which is almost completely gone now, and made the first two layouts.  The third called for something a bit more sparkly and I used some VERY old glitter paper.  I can't tell you how much glue and adhesive I had to use to get anything to work on that paper.  Now I know why it hasn't been used!

My pages feature DD2's last high school formal. Years ago, it was in January and called the Snowball Formal, but between bad weather and busy sports scheduling, they moved it to the end of November.  Hence the name change to Fall Formal. The photos on the first page were taken at my home where we still had our fall decor on display.  The second page's photos were at a friends, who decided to decorate for Christmas for the occasion.  The last page is my favorite and truly captures the spirits of both girls.

nothing fancy, used the cricut for the letters

added a thin red ribbon and a hidden journal tag on this page

the dreaded glitter really was a pain to get 
anything to stick to it!  Good thing it's pretty!

Thank you so much for stopping by today!  I hope you are inspired to blow the dust off some of your older supplies and create!  Have a wonderful day!

Page Recipes: SU Autumn Traditions DSP, Colorbok glitter paper, soft suede, very vanilla, night of navy, DCWV navy photo mat Accessories-red ribbon from stash, scallop tag topper, Cricut for alphas

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

A good mix of old and new

Hello!  If you've been following my posts, you know I've been on a scrapbook kick lately!  It is so exciting to see that album fill up with finished pages!!  I have a super simple two page layout and a single page to share today.  As the title suggests, my first photos have some older supplies on them, and the third features some beautiful paper I won at a crop last year!  

The two page layout is from an annual camp we work at each summer.  The camp staff brings their kids along and they help out in the kitchen or running errands for us.  We all quickly become like one big family and we have watched so many families grow over the years.  We also honor our teen counselors who graduated with homemade ice cream cakes for dinner one night.  I feel like I have done hundreds of these pages and I'm sure they all pretty much look the same, but I know my girls will enjoy looking back on all of these and remembering the friends who are more like family.

The third page made me a bit sad.  Since DD2 is a senior, this was her last Revue with the high school choir.  It was one of the first 'lasts' we experienced.  I thought the paper and tag went perfectly with their theme of 'A Night At The Tonys".

I am so glad you visited and hope you were inspired to put your own memories onto paper!  Have a wonderful day!

Page 1&2 Recipe: Paper-K & Co 'Anastasia's Attic', DCWV mats, whisper white, Accessories-old alpha stickers from stash

Page 3 Recipe: Paper-Kaisercraft 'On Stage', cherry cobbler, basic black, whisper white, Accessories-cricut cut letters

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Scrapbook Saturday-Wonderful Wedding

Hello and welcome to Saturday at BSC!  I have been diligently working my way through a box of photos and am so excited that 2019's photos are almost finished!  I'm getting ready to place a photo order to get 2018 printed and my goal for the summer is to complete that year as well!  I'm thinking I may actually get current with my albums in a few years, unless DD#1 decides to get married and start having babies!  At that point, I will have to resign myself to never being anywhere near 'caught up'!

I have two pages that go together to share today.  They were from my nephew's wedding and we took a mini vacation that weekend since we had to travel anyway.  It was a great time to get away with family!  I did a bit of punching and die cutting on these and pulled out some older ribbon to dress these up appropriately.

I love the Tim Holtz flower dies! They layer so well together and make it so simple to combine colors.  I also used those recycled plastic sleeves again to hold the invitation and program from the wedding.  I will never throw one of those packages away again!!

Thanks so much for visiting!  Have a fabulous day!!

Page Recipe: Paper-bases from my stash (unknown), pacific point, Bermuda bay, coastal cabana, whisper white, Accessories-TH Funky Floral thinlits, MS greenery punch, SU lace ribbon border punch, sheer ribbon from stash

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Throwback Thursday-Birthday Time!

Welcome to another Throwback Thursday where my older stash turns into completed pages!  Today, I have three birthday themed pages to share with you.  Lots of older goodies getting some love on these pages!

The first page uses a paper pack I've had for a very long time and the alpha stickers are even older than the paper!  I even pulled out my butterfly punches and pearls to dress this page up a little/

Pages 2 &3 go together.  While the Disney paper isn't quite as old as some of my other paper pads, I've still had it a while and the flower & leaves have been in a box forever!

Today is the last official student day of school and after all the loose ends are tied up, I will be enjoying a couple of duty free months!  Well, there is that graduation get together, and prepping for two kids heading to college in the fall, but I will definitely have more free time on my hands!

Thanks so much for stopping by and have a wonderful day!  Don't forget to dig in your crafting stash and make something wonderful!

Page #1 Recipe: Paper-Prima 'Breathe' collection, whisper white, Accessories-bitty butterfly and elegant butterfly punches, pearls, old alpha stickers from stash

Page #2&3 Recipe: Paper-EK Success 'Disney Mickey', whisper white, Accessories-1" & 3/4" circle punches (flower center), silk flower & leaves from stash

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Simply Speedy Pages

Hello!  I'm popping in with a quick post of some really simple and speedy pages I made.  We're wrapping up our last week of ELearning and it's keeping me on my toes.  It feels so surreal that next week begins summer vacation for us!  I am planning a major cleaning out of closets and our garage before we start preparations for a family gathering for DD#2 who graduates this year.  Things aren't going like we had planned, but our family has stayed healthy through all of this and for that we are grateful!

On to the pages!  My first page was one I almost didn't make.  I didn't have a photo of DD's performance, but this was a very special opportunity for her choir, so I decided to do a page without photos.  I've also become abnormally excited about recycling the plastic wrappers my various stencils came in.  I cut the top off and use them as clear pockets.  Really simple and basic, but it makes me so happy!

My second page, while simple, was another of my therapy pages.  This was Dad's last Father's Day with us, and we knew at the time that every day was a gift.  He had already exceeded what was considered typical for his situation, and we were thrilled to have extra time with him.  He always loved grilling and I managed to sneak a photo of him giving my DH some tips.  I am so glad my girls will be able to look back on all of these wonderful memories and remember him fondly.

Well, time for me to get back to work! Thanks so much for visiting and have a wonderful day!

Page Recipe #1: Paper-Recollections 'Music Notes' Accessories-stickers from stash

Page Recipe #2: Paper-Woodland Walk DSP SU, Accessories-sticker from stash

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Scrapbook Saturday-New Supplies

Hi!  If you read today's title, you may be like "WHAT?! She just told us she was trying to use all of her older stuff!" yeah...  Actually, this little kit was purchased for two good reasons. 1. My friend is doing everything she can to keep functioning during all of this Covid mess and I decided to do my part and order a few things from her.  All stuff I know I will use and some things I really needed.  2. I REALLY love the hexagon stencils that came with this kit!! I literally 'oooohed' when I saw them!

I took a Kiwi Lane class a few months ago, and it was a lot of fun.  I can't say it's my 'go to' style, but I really liked some of the stencils.  So when my friend shared that she had some kits available for pick up, I decided to check them out.  The papers were pretty enough (not that I NEED paper), but as soon as I saw the set of hexagons included in the kit I was sold!!  

I used a tag from the kit for the center of this page.
The tag is loose and pulls out the journaling tab hidden 
behind the photo on the right.

I used 3 of the hexagons on this page.  This also shows
the pretty papers from the kit and another tag.

I hope you don't think too poorly of me and my shopping!  My purchase did get used quickly, so I'm feeling a bit less guilty about that!  Thanks so much for stopping by and have a wonderful day!

Page Recipes: Kiwi Lane 'Wild at Heart' kit

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Throwback Thursday-Babies and Pizza!

Hi! It's Thursday and that means another throwback day featuring something I've dug out of a drawer or tote and lovingly gave it a new home!  Once again, I've managed two true throwback pages. Everything used is from my older stash!

My first page uses some baby paper that might be as old as my second daughter.  I don't remember buying baby paper since then... I love that there are tiny babies and not so tiny babies sleeping in these photos.  Makes the title much more fun!

Used vellum alpha stickers that are OLD!  Also tucked
a hidden tag behind the bottom right photo.

The second page uses paper from an older kit I won at a crop quite a while back-not sure when!  This was our mini vacation for my nephew's wedding and we HAD to stop at the Lou Malnoti's and Molly's Cupcakes that was across the parking lot of our hotel! Yummy!  I popped up the photo on the left and the date tag to give a little dimension to an otherwise flat page.

I am so glad you stopped by and hope you have a fantastic day!  Tomorrow officially begins my summer vacation from school, so I'll be sleeping in and enjoying my day!!

Page Recipe #1: Paper-unknown maker on baby paper, whisper white, Accessories-old vellum alpha stickers, old sticker to create hidden tag

Page Recipe #2: Paper-Beach Fun paper pack(unknown maker), whisper white (Cricut cut letters)

Throwback Thursday- Christmas Bash

Hi! I am so happy you are here!  I have three throwback pages to share today and they all but used up my hoarded beloved Christmas paper!  When I first started scrapbooking, I would hoard pretty papers and embellishments for just the right pages. Now that I've been doing this for a little while (20 something years), I've learned a few lessons.
  1. There will always be more paper/embellishments/ribbon
  2. If you keep things too long, sometimes you don't like them anymore.
  3. It is a royal pain to move all of those supplies and attempt to organize them when you get a new home.
  4. Any page can be the perfect page for pretty paper!
After moving into our new home, I really decided I needed to USE what I have and only buy what I really NEED to have.  Surprisingly, I don't need a lot (probably because I have a scrapbook store's worth of inventory in my craft room), and it's been a bit of an adventure to rediscover my supplies!

Today's pages use some old SU Christmas paper and some gorgeous birds from a dear scrapping friend.  I decided to use the cardinals because the pages are from our first Christmas without Dad.  It made me feel like even though he wasn't in the photos, he was still on those pages.  I've always said paper crafting was my therapy, but these pages were especially healing.

**hidden tags behind the two right photos

**hidden tag behind lower right photo

I was making an effort to use as much of the pattern paper as I could, but there is still enough paper left for another layout and maybe some cards.  I'll have to work on that!

I think everything used on these pages are throwback supplies.  Nothing new that I can see!!

Thanks so much for visiting today!  I hope you find some time to create today!

Page Recipes:  Paper-Holly Berry Bouquet DSP, wild wasabi, real red, very vanilla, Accessories- cardinal embellishments, Martha Stewart greenery punch, wild wasabi ribbon

Monday, May 4, 2020

Cheater's guide to scrapbooking

Hello! I have a bit of a confession to make today.  I sorta kinda cheated on these pages!!  In my quest to use my older papers, I unearthed a set of Debbie Mum premade pages.  Just add photos, tags, and taaaadaaa! Instant scrapbook layout!  I can't even begin to tell you when I bought them, and I'm not sure why I bought them since this usually isn't my thing.

Of course, on the first one I couldn't just add a photo.  I had to add the lettered title and I tucked a little handmade tag behind the photo with some extra journaling.  The second one is pretty much a 'cheat' page.

I don't really have much to say about these except that they were crazy easy and there are two less papers in my use it up tote!

I have been scrapping like a mad woman over the weekend, so I will have lots more to share this week.  Thanks so much for popping in to see me!