Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Balance: As Shared by Shadow

Hello!  I'm back with another MDS digital scrapbook page!  While the girls and I were doing our Balance photo shoot, I took a few pics of Shadow and the kitties.  Looking at the pictures led me to think about the way a dog might view balance, although I'm sure he's much too busy being happy to worry about things like this...

As much as my serious journaling on my balance page helped me, I have to admit that the light hearted dogs-eye-view was equally as enlightening.  Here are some tips on balancing life like a dog...

-When people are grumpy, mad, or sad, you don't really need to do much. Just be there for them to make them feel better.
-When someone is annoying you (like pesky kittens), just get away from them.  If they follow you, find your Mom.  She'll know what to do...
-Show your loved ones, and everyone else, you are happy to see them-all the time!  You never know when your attitude will be rewarded with a special treat or even better, some love!
-When all else fails, take a nap!!!

I hope this has inspired you take a good look at yourself through the eyes of your favorite non-human.  I would love to hear about the words of wisdom your pet has shared with you!  Have a great day and happy crafting!


  1. Margaret, I loved your ideas on balancing life like a dog! It makes so much sense and is so true!
    Great page and Shadow is just as pretty as ever.

  2. Sweet ! I love that you made a page (in MDS!) of Shadows insights !

  3. This is a great page Margaret-love what the MDS software puts out--I like your thoughts on balancing life

  4. I feel there's much we could learn from a dog's eye view of balance!!

    Lovely photos of Shadow...
    Alison x

  5. LOL..I love this post!!! Find your mom, she'll know what to do...that's hilarious...so true. :D Oh and the nap part, that was a great one too. Such a terrific way to look at things. Oh if only they could take us to obedience school. :)


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