Sunday, February 23, 2014

In the Spotlight...

Hello! Today I am excited to announce that I am Anything But a Card's Spotlight Designer!

I am so blessed to be a part of such a wonderfully talented team.  My fellow DT members have so many amazing talents and their creativity knows no bounds.  They're also a pretty awesome group of ladies that never fail to inspire me to reach higher.  I also have to admit that they sometimes intimidate the crap out of me... Like today when I am in the spotlight sharing something significant about my artistic talents.  Now, if my job was to point out what I think their special strengths are, I could rest easy.  But instead, I found myself trying to decide just what is it that I do best?  I don't really have any one artform where I excel; I'm more of a work in progress.  I actually stressed out a bit about this and then I realized that while I'm not the master of fabric, flowers, mold putty, recycled art, or steampunk (not even close!), I am pretty good at telling stories.

My first introduction into paper crafting was creating a scrapbook for my first baby.  Little did I know how this little project would spiral into a quest to document my family's lives and preserve our stories for future generations.  I started out making cute pages for a few baby pictures, but didn't have a lot of details and next to no personal stories.  Over the years I have learned that while those may be fresh in my mind, they will not be there for future family members, and if I'm going to spend the time to make a scrapbook, it better become a family heirloom!!

So my Spotlight Project is scrapbooking, but with the added challenge of sharing more than just the basic details.  I have shared several of my creations and a few tips about preserving memories at the challenge blog.  If you have a minute, I would love it if you would stop by and check them out.  I would be even more excited if you would join my challenge to create your own memory preserving project!


  1. You ARE an incredible story teller and wonderful crafter too! On my way over :)

  2. Just been over there and had a lovely read about you and your storytelling!
    Alison xx

  3. Congratulations ! I'm going to try to get something made for your mini challenge; I certainly have enough photos to do something with.


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